Augusta Symphony Orchestra

A Community Orchestra in Augusta, Maine

ASO Pops Concert

Dances and Rhapsodies from Eastern Europe plus a special performance by our talented concertmaster Ryu Mitsuhashi. Also featuring a new work by our own Nathan Saunders, composed with inspiration from the natural beauty of Maine!

Maine Capital Fourth 2024!!

We had the best time putting on our first Maine Capital Fourth event at the Civic Center! Featured in this little video is Strauss’s Radetzky March. If you hear excited noises and laughter, it’s because we had audience members win the opportunity to guest conduct the piece and play the triangle. We had a talented young girl selected to play the triangle. She was so good, she was encouraged to play more (along the lines of “More Cowbell, Please!”) And our guest conductor was a mom with her very excited and enthusiastic baby. What fun!

Concerts free to the public


Donations gratefully accepted


Concerts free to the public 〰️ Donations gratefully accepted 〰️